Richland, Washington – December 08, 2017. Several RC Engineering and Construction Management (RC) employees joined hundreds of other volunteers for the annual Bikes for Tikes event at the Benton County Fairgrounds in Kennewick. This event was primarily sponsored and hosted by the local Union 598 as part of a program to provide new bikes to underprivileged children in the Columbia Basin.
RC was among about 30 other community groups, schools, and businesses that took part in the event, each working within their own area of production to assemble bikes from the ground up, bolt by bolt. Throughout the five-hour event, RC’s staff provided quality control, ensuring each bike was problem-free and ready to ride, and fixing those that were not.
By the end of the event, 1,654 bicycles were assembled. Many of the bikes were distributed throughout the Toys for Tots program, though we got the chance to see some of them being ridden out by their recipients.
We had a lot of fun, learned a lot, and look forward to next years’ event!
For more information on Bikes for Tikes, visit their Facebook page at
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